Day: 1 March 2017
Two-stage urethroplasty: stage 2, surgery day
I took the train through yesterday for my admission appointment at the hospital. They’d told me I’d be admitted to the ward but it turns out there wasn’t a bed available so they booked me into a hotel in town. That worked out well since I’m sure I slept much better than I would have in the hospital.
At 06:45 this morning the taxi picked me up and it was the now-familiar routine of preparation then being wheeled down to the operating theatre.
This time I didn’t get left in recovery as long, so I was at the ward in time for lunch. I’d made a point of asking the recovery staff to ask them to keep some for me. For some reason I never feel ill after general anaesthetic but I’m usually ravenous after the fast.
I wasn’t in so much pain this time, I just have to call the nurse to ask for more pain relief when I start to be able to feel the stabbing pains through the ache in my scrotum. I think the stabbing pain might be as things shift about down there, it’s one of those body parts that’s seldom still for long.
Lunch was a stew made with doner kebab meat, not something I’d ever had before, it was OK. The crêpes with fresh fruit during the afternoon were actually quite nice though. Dinner was allegedly moussaka but I couldn’t find any aubergine and very little meat.
No sign of a doctor all day. I’d been hoping to ask why I only had a urethral catheter, when I was expecting to have a supra-pubic as well. I’ll have to wait and ask in the morning.
One problem with not seeing a doctor was that I couldn’t discuss pain relief and when I asked one of the nurses she insisted it was too late to make any changes to what had been ordered for me. Of course that meant that they hadn’t given me any slow-release painkillers, apparently being awoken unnecessarily by intense pain during the night isn’t something they care about. I did manage to get Tolterodine to deal with the bladder spasms without the usual arguments though.
My husband drove through after work to keep me company for a while and help me argue with the nurse. Getting adequate long-lasting pain relief for the nights is another point I’ll have to bring up during rounds tomorrow.
So now I’m settling down for the night, hoping my room mate won’t be too noisy.